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"Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime." – Martin Luther King Jr.

At this special time of year, we have books to inspire and delight you. Accompany your little ones 'On the Road to Emmaus' or through 'Via Lucis: The Way of the Light'. Or perhaps, reflect with Fr Michael on the Gospel resurrection narratives in 'Alive'.


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The Christian Teacher: Shepherd of Loving Kindness

The Christian Teacher: Shepherd of Loving Kindness

David O'Malley SDB


Written in a reflective style, this small book by David O'Malley SDB aims to sharpen the awareness of the teacher in recognising opportunities for loving kindness in their work with the young.

ISBN 978-1-909080-19-5

Paperback portrait 117mm x 175mm



While the book is written from within a broad Christian tradition, it owes a large amount to the Salesian tradition of St John Bosco, for whom loving kindness was the main focus of his work with marginalised young people in nineteenth century Turin.

Every teacher, working vocationally in the field of education , is looking for buried treasure. The teacher will unearth the strands of God's spirit that point to a loving presence in the heart of each person, hidden in relationships, and in the gifts of colleagues and pupils. In tantrums and in tragedies, in celebrations and in shared silence, the same spirit of loving kindness will emerge, slipping in and out of the focus of our poor spiritual sight.