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Although for many of us February is a cold and harsh month, there are still ways to find enjoyment, continue to grow as a person, and live intentionally. We have a wide selection of books, rosaries, medals and prayers cards for inspiration, reflection, spirituality and learning.


Welcome to Don Bosco Publications! We don't just do books; we have a selection of prayer cards, medallions and rosaries. Take a look.

A Journey to the Soul: Exploring Presence at the Heart of Gestalt Therapy and Salesian Education

A Journey to the Soul: Exploring Presence at the Heart of Gestalt Therapy and Salesian Education

Paul Formosa


This book is an essential read for Salesians today as it touches on the heart of Don Bosco's uniqueness among the charisms in the Church: "For you I study, for you I work, for you I live, for you I am ready even to give my life."

148mm x 210 mm

This book is the fruit of empirical research that was conducted for a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the author's Professional Doctorate in Gestalt Psychotherapy. In it, Paul endeavours to explain all jargon belonging to Gestalt or to the Salesian world and does not take anything for granted. In this way, it is accessible to all.
Published by Pubblikazzjoni Salesiana, Malta.

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