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Although for many of us February is a cold and harsh month, there are still ways to find enjoyment, continue to grow as a person, and live intentionally. We have a wide selection of books, rosaries, medals and prayers cards for inspiration, reflection, spirituality and learning.


Welcome to Don Bosco Publications! We don't just do books; we have a selection of prayer cards, medallions and rosaries. Take a look.

A Young Adult’s Guide to Life: Support for young adults from the Salesian tradition and Catholic perspective

A Young Adult’s Guide to Life: Support for young adults from the Salesian tradition and Catholic perspective

David O’Malley SDB


Young adults will face many changes in the years ahead that have never been encountered by earlier generations. This short book is an invitation for young adults to pick up the challenge of the Gospel and rework the Christian tradition for a new world.

Paperback portrait 148mm x 210 mm

Don Bosco described young people as the most precious and yet the most vulnerable part of society. He saw them as the hope for the future, the energy for change and salt in the wounds of adult compromises with the Gospel. They need to be thinking personally, working from experience, and reweaving the meaning of the Gospel into new patterns for a new world.
The Salesians of Great Britain hope that this small publication will help them to achieve that aim and promise our prayers as they renew the world and rebuild a Church for a new era.

"It is an excellent book that breaks down the faith and everyday life for young people. In the midst of the business of life, Salesian spirituality helps slow this down the pace and helps us reflect on ourselves in a gentle manner, as opposed to being too self-critical. The book gives practical suggestions on steps to take to help reflect on where we are in our life currently and how we can put balance into our lives to deepen our faith. We encourage all young people who want to add balance to their life to pick up this book and reflect on Salesian spirituality."

Westminster Diocesan Young Adults.

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