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Although for many of us February is a cold and harsh month, there are still ways to find enjoyment, continue to grow as a person, and live intentionally. We have a wide selection of books, rosaries, medals and prayers cards for inspiration, reflection, spirituality and learning.


Welcome to Don Bosco Publications! We don't just do books; we have a selection of prayer cards, medallions and rosaries. Take a look.

An Introduction to Matthew

An Introduction to Matthew

Michael T. Winstanley SDB


In this introduction to Matthew, Fr Michael follows the thread of his story, in which narrative and discourse are carefully blended to elicit the 'good news' that the author is seeking to convey.

Paperback portrait 117mm x 174mm
44 pp

For centuries, since the time of the early Fathers of the Church, Matthew's Gospel was considered the first to be written, authored by one of the twelve original disciples of Jesus. However, this view has changed, and scholars concluded (in the main) that it was Mark who first produced a Gospel, probably around 70CE. The unknown author of 'Matthew', a third-generation disciple, and probably a Greek-speaking Jewish convert to Christianity uses Mark's story of Jesus as his main source; he also uses a document known as 'Q' (from the German for a 'source'), which is no longer extant, and other traditions (often referred to as 'M'). These he forges into a powerful narrative.
An insightful examination of the Gospel by Fr Michael.

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