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Although for many of us February is a cold and harsh month, there are still ways to find enjoyment, continue to grow as a person, and live intentionally. We have a wide selection of books, rosaries, medals and prayers cards for inspiration, reflection, spirituality and learning.

Upcoming Events - February 2025

Find out about events planned for the Salesian Family at home and internationally, and keep track of feast days and days of prayer across the Catholic Church.

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Salesian Family Spirituality Days

Salesian Family Spirituality Days

Date: 16th January 2020 - 19th January 2020

Venue: Valdocco, Turin

The event explored the 'Strenna', a theme given to the Salesian Family each year by the Rector Major, which this year, has the title 'Thy will be done on earth as in heaven. (Mt 6:10) "Good Christians and Upright Citizens."

Around 350 participants will will crowd the courtyards of Valdocco for 4 days of reflection, prayer, sharing and meeting in the joyful style of Don Bosco. Events include a conference on being good Christians in today's city context, and Salesians from Oratory in Aleppo will speak about their experiences.