Overseas Volunteering with Bosco Volunteer Action (BOVA)

- Closing Date
- Sat, 19 Jul 2025 23:59
- Location
- Various overseas placements
- Salary
- Voluntary role - use the Apply Now button for full info (Full time, residential; placements from)
With BOVA you are able to volunteer overseas from a minimum of 3 months, and as long as 2 years.
At BOVA, we make sure everyone gets the best out of your overseas volunteer experience.
Benefits to you:
- Life experience of working and living in a different culture
- An opportunity to serve
- Personal development
- Gaining valuable new skills and experience
- A 'break' from life in the UK
- An experience of living with/alongside a religious community
- A carefully planned educational process
BOVA recognises that the main beneficiary of a volunteer experience in the developing world is the volunteer themselves. We therefore attempt to enhance the educational benefit through pre-departure training, support and formation during the placement, and debrief and ongoing communication after you return to the UK. We hope that the volunteer experience will act as a stimulus for continued involvement with development issues, faith in action and the Salesian family.
Benefits to Host Communities:
In some circumstances, volunteering can be exploitative of the developing world. BOVA works hard to avoid this situation by carefully checking both volunteer and placement, attempting to match skills, interests and requirements. Volunteers are just one part of an ongoing Salesian presence, so while we are careful to create opportunities where your contribution is valuable, we make sure that the project in which you work will not suffer too much when your placement ends.
To find out more, use the 'Apply Now' button to go to our BOVA pages
If you'd like to apply, please download and complete the BOVA Application Form, and return it by email to Fr Bob: bova@salesians.org.uk
Please also send a hard copy of the form, together with a covering letter, two passport photos and a £25 administration charge (cheques payable to 'SDB Trustees Ltd/Bosco Volunteer Action'), by post to:
Fr Bob Gardner SDB
BOVA Coordinator
Thornleigh Salesian House
Sharples Park