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Perpetual Profession of Brother Makuochukwu Malachy Okeke SDB

Perpetual Profession of Brother Makuochukwu Malachy Okeke SDB

Posted: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 10:33

  • Perpetual Profession of Brother Makuochukwu Malachy Okeke SDB
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On Sunday 23rd June 2024, Brother Makuochukwu Malachy Okeke SDB made his Perpetual Profession at the Holy Family Church in Addlestone.

Fr Gerry Briody SDB, Provincial of the GBR Province presided over the Mass, with SDBs from all Salesian Communities attending the service with a packed church of Parishioners. The Mass was Live-Streamed so that his family, friends and confrere could watch it from the ANN province in Nigeria.

At the end of the service, it was announced that Fr John Dickson SDB would be moving to Battersea to support the students, Brother Malachy would also be moving to Battersea and Brother Stephen Mensah moving to the Chertsey community.

You can view the stream below (due to technical difficulties the first few minutes are missing. Also, due to copyright, some music is muted)

Tags: Homepage, Salesian Vocation, Salesians of Don Bosco, Vocation