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Golden Jubilee for Fr Tony Sultana SDB

Golden Jubilee for Fr Tony Sultana SDB

Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 09:07

Golden Jubilee for Fr Tony Sultana SDB

Over the weekend of 20/21 July 2024 the parish welcomed back our former parish priest of 28 years, Fr Tony Sultana, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Fr Tony was the main celebrant for the Vigil Mass at 5.30pm on Saturday 20 July exactly 50 years to the day since he was ordained. It was a tribute to the love within the Salesian community that Fr Gerry (the Salesian Provincial) and Fr Mervyn travelled from Bolton and back on the same day to support Fr Tony. We were delighted to welcome Brothers Michael, Joe and Malachi, Fr Peter B and Fr Pat (Rector) from the Salesian house in Farnborough. It was also such a joy to see so many former parishioners travelling to take part in the celebration as well as Fr Tony's niece and family and local parishioners and friends.

Fr Tony led the Mass again at 10.30am on Sunday 21 July – 50 years to the day since he had celebrated his first Mass as a priest. Both Jubilee Masses were joyous, uplifting, grace- and spirit-filled occasions and it was so special to be able to welcome Fr Tony back to OLSD for the first time in almost a year following his retirement in September 2023.

During his homily Fr Tony described his journey to the priesthood, his influences and the many experiences of his vocation. You can read or listen to the homily using the links below.

At the end of both Masses, Deacon Paul announced the dedication of a beautiful new processional cross to Fr Tony. After the 5.30pm Mass, Fr Gerry read out a letter from Bishop Philip and also paid tribute to Fr Tony, citing his compassion, openness and welcoming spirit. He described him as a fantastic pastor and thanked the parish for all its support which was clearly reflected in the large congregation of both young and old. He presented a Papal Blessing from Pope Francis which Fr Tony was delighted to accept. You can read Bishop Philip's letter or listen to Fr Gerry's address using the links below.

Afterwards there followed two wonderful receptions – each a chance to raise a glass and celebrate with Fr Tony while enjoying good food and drink and great company. There was a cake to be cut and enjoyed, musical entertainment and a moving photo montage with photos and videos supplied by parishioners. Everyone wanted to talk to Fr Tony and he couldn't stop smiling!

The weekend's celebrations were a huge team effort but we owe an immense gratitude to Yvette, Senior Ministry lead, and to Sharon, Social Ministry lead and their core team for their fantastic organisation and hard work. A big thank you to everyone who played a part, including decorating the Church with beautiful flowers, contributing to the liturgy and music, organising and providing the musical entertainment and photo montage, managing the sound and live-stream, decorating the hall, preparing and serving the delicious food and drink, tidying up afterwards, taking photos, baking the cake and all the many other jobs behind the scenes.

Thank you to the Parish Pastoral Council led by the Chair, Martin, to the Parish Finance Committee led by the Chair, Paul, for all the support and collaboration with the other ministry leads; to Steve, Fabric lead for undertaking and overseeing all the church roof work and to George and his team for the gardening to get the premises ready for the celebration.

A special thank you to Deacon Paul for his prayers, jokes and general MC duties and to Fr Anthony our Priest for his constant generosity of spirit and continuous moral and prayerful support. Thank you to every single parishioner for coming together to pray and to make the day memorable for Fr Tony.

And finally, thank you to Fr Tony for his dedication, generosity, service and prayer over so many years. We wish him a happy and healthy retirement and will never forget what he has done for us here at the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes and St Dominic Savio.

Thank you to Fr Anthony Lobo and Jo Wood for the text.
Images ©Christy del Fresno & ©James Fitzpatrick-Ellis

More images can be found here

Below is the live stream of the service:

Tags: Celebration, Homepage, Salesians of Don Bosco