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A-Level results day in our Salesian Schools 2024

A-Level results day in our Salesian Schools 2024

Posted: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 11:14

A-Level results day in our Salesian Schools 2024

On Thursday 15th August, students across the country received their A-Level and BTEC results. We are going to share the news from our Salesian Schools:

St John Bosco Arts College is celebrating as students received their A-level and BTEC results.

Earlier this morning (Thursday, 15 August), the school welcomed the class of 2024 and their families as they eagerly collected envelopes containing their results.

Among those celebrating their results was Layla O'Connell who achieved an A* in English literature, an A criminology, a B in history and an A for her extended project qualification (EPQ). Layla will join the University of Liverpool to study for her undergraduate degree in English literature with history.

Another student delighted by their results was Jack Bishop who achieved an A in criminology and a double distinction* in business.

Mrs Charlotte Lyon, assistant headteacher and head of sixth form, was at the school to greet students. She said: "It is always such a pleasure to be a part of results day and share in all the joy and happiness that comes with it.

"As a school, our job is to prepare our students for the next phase in their lives, whether they decide to remain in education, enter the world of work, or complete an apprenticeship while gaining real-world experience.

"We are immensely proud of each of them and wish them the best of luck for whatever comes next."

To read more about St John Bosco Arts College's A-Level success Click Here

Students at a Bolton sixth form toasted their A-level success.
Thornleigh Salesian College's young people got their A level results on August 15, alongside others up and down the country.
They gathered at the sixth form to celebrate their success.

Ed Kirk, Deputy Headteacher at Thornleigh, said: "We are delighted at the success of all of the students.
"We have students going to their universities of choice, securing apprenticeships, doing gap years.
"They're going off to Warwick, Leeds, Liverpool, Bristol, going across the country.
"Thinking about all the challenges they faced through Covid times as well, it is a testament to them and their resilience."
He added: "I am proud of the teachers as well, how they have contributed to all their success."

Holly Simner, aged 18, got an A star and two As.
She said: "I did art, maths and history. I'm very happy.
"I will be doing Architecture at the University of Liverpool.
"I thought I did worse than I actually did, so it has been a nice surprise."

To read more about Thornleigh Salesian College A-Level success Click Here

Students and their families at Salesian School, Chertsey, were celebrating following the publication of this year's A Level and vocational results.

Over a third of all grades were A* or A with an amazing 29 students achieving straight A*-A results. 68% of all grades were A*-B with 88% being A*-C.

Almost all students from the College at Salesian secured their first choice university place and 60% of applicants gained places at Russell Group universities including Cambridge, Warwick, UCL and Durham.

Deputy Headteacher and Head of College, Lizzie Bolton said; "With this being our biggest ever year group at the College we are delighted to have maintained our excellent results. All credit must go to the students who worked incredibly hard and contributed positively to the College community throughout their two years."

To read more about Salesian School, Chertsey's A-Level success Click Here

Salesian College once again celebrated excellent A level results with 90% of grades awarded in the A*-C range. The academic achievement of the students' further builds on the enviable reputation that the College enjoys as one of the highest achieving co-educational sixth form providers in Hampshire. The average results per student are AAB.

The Headmaster, Mr Gerard Owens, congratulated students on their achievements, "Salesian College is proud to have a Sixth Form which provides a wide range of opportunities alongside the achievement of outstanding academic results. I congratulate all our young men and women who have added so much to the life of the College."

To read more about Salesian College, Farnborough's A-Level success Click Here

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