Salesian College Celebrates Amazing A Level Results
Posted: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 13:01
The College once again celebrated excellent A level results with 90% of grades awarded in the A*-C range. The academic achievement of the students' further builds on the enviable reputation that the College enjoys as one of the highest achieving co-educational sixth form providers in Hampshire. The average results per student are AAB.
This summer's Year 13 cohort saw 74% of the grades achieved at A*-B in three or more A Levels. Of particular note are the excellent proportion of Year 13 students who achieved three or more A* or A grades each with 40% of grades at A* or A and a quarter of students attaining at least one A* result. First amongst these was Edward S. who attained four A* grades and takes up his place at the University of Bristol to read Aerospace Engineering. Also worthy of particular mention are three other students who all achieved three A* grades to secure their respective places to study Medicine: Lucia G. (Christ Church College, Oxford), Duncan M-B (Bristol University) and Ruben R. (King's College, London). Other very high performing students include Jack L. 3 A* grades (Maths, Bath). Harry B (Law, Bristol), Annabelle L.(Business Management, Exeter) and John M.(Medicine, Exeter) who each attained 2 A* and 1A grade. Maxsen L. 1A* 2A & 1B (Physics with Astrophysics, Manchester), Haydn W. 1 A* & 2A (Business Economics, Exeter), Adam C. 3 A grades (Classics, Cambridge), Harry L. 2A & 2B grades (Aeronautics & Astronautics, Southampton) and Jacob B. (History & Philosophy, Warwick), Rufus B. (History, Durham), Sam B. (International Social & Public Policy, LSE), Eve M. (Politics & International Relations, Edinburgh), William N. (Economics, Bristol) and Harry S. who all achieved A*AB. A good number more students achieved at least grades AAB or equivalent and all of these, along with the vast majority of their colleagues, will be taking up places at an impressive range of top universities this autumn.
The Headmaster, Mr Gerard Owens, congratulated students on their achievements, "Salesian College is proud to have a Sixth Form which provides a wide range of opportunities alongside the achievement of outstanding academic results. I congratulate all our young men and women who have added so much to the life of the College. Whilst we rightly congratulate our students who have attained the top grades, it is equally important to celebrate the achievements of all of the students who have worked so hard to maximise their potential and meet their respective university offers. I thank the staff for all their hard work and commitment to student success. I wish all of our leaving students the very best of luck as they progress to university and I look forward to seeing them back on Prize Night on Friday 22 November."
Text from Salesian College website
Images from Salesian College Facebook page