Summer camp at St John Bosco College in Battersea
Posted: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 11:31
From the 5th – 9th August, St John Bosco College in Battersea held a summer camp for approximately 60 young people. The aim of the summer camp was to give young people in Battersea a meaningful and joyful summer experience within the Salesian context. The camp allowed the collaboration between the post-confirmation group, young adults, parents in the parish, Salesians and Salesian cooperators.
The camp was set around the theme of 'Keep your dream alive' which was in keeping of the Salesians celebrating the 200th anniversary of Don Bosco's dream at 9, with each day having a slightly different focus. 'The dream at 9' was presented on Monday, 'Dream for our planet' focused on food waste on Tuesday, 'Dream for local communities' on Wednesday focused on the parish, school, family and local community, with Thursday's focus was on 'your dreams' and got the young people to explore their faith journey and how they discern their vocation.
Each day started with a prayer with the rest of the day being filled with games, fun workshops including music, drama, science experiments, baking, gardening and art, formative sessions and recreation time.
On Friday, the parents of the young people were invited to the camp to celebrate Mass in the parish, with liturgy and music animated by the young people. After the celebration of Mass, the young people performed a talent show in the school hall before finishing with games and a BBQ. Hopefully we will see these young people again in the parish as part of a youth choir.
After the camp had concluded, those that helped with the camp in the Bosco Centre gathered for a time of reflection, recollection and relaxation together. The hope moving forward is to have a two-week camp in 2025!
A huge thank you to everyone who helped run this summer camp and make it an overwhelming success!