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Jubilee Celebrations throughout the Province

Jubilee Celebrations throughout the Province

Posted: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 11:09

  • Jubilee Celebrations throughout the Province
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Sunday 8th September 2024, saw many Salesians celebrate landmark milestones as Religious.

Fr Martin Coyle and Fr Gerry Briody both celebrated 40 years of Religious Profession.
Fr Hugh and Fr Francis Preston both celebrated 60 years of Religious Profession, as did Fr Tony Sultana who also celebrated his 50th Anniversary of Ordination in July.
Fr Michael Delmer celebrated 70 years and Fr Bob Coupe celebrated 75 years of Religious Profession.
At Thornleigh, there was also a celebration for Fr Bernard Grogan, who in February, celebrated 60 years of Ordination.

We thank them all for their dedicated service to the mission of Don Bosco and pray that their work and journey continues for many more years to come.

Tags: Homepage, Jubilees, Salesians of Don Bosco