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New Year at our Salesian Schools

New Year at our Salesian Schools

Posted: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 10:09

  • New Year at our Salesian Schools
  • SJBC_Battersea

  • Salesian_College_Farnborough

  • SJBAC_Liverpool2

  • SJBAC_Liverpool

  • Thornleigh_Bolton

The new school year is well underway and all of our new and returning students and staff are settling into their new year at our Salesian Schools.

Here is how our Salesian Schools have started the new school year.

At St John Bosco College in Battersea, Head of RE, Fr Andrew Ebrahim SDB welcomed the new Year 7 students with Mass at Sacred Heart, the Salesian Church in Battersea.

In Bolton, Fr Saju John SDB led collective worship with the Year 7's and taught them the strong Salesian Values of Respect, Understanding, Affection and Humour. He also shared the journey that Fr Chris Gorton, Parish Priest at St Cuthbert's in Bolton, is taking to raise money for Caritas as he walks in Pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago. You can read more about that here.

St John Bosco Arts College invited their new students to share the worries they had and helped them to settle into the new environment. Fr Anthony Kelly, the local parish priest also said Mass for the staff before the start of the new year.

In Farnborough at Salesian College, the year started with a whole college assembly where all students were welcomed with Mass celebrated on the Friday with School Chaplain, Fr Pat Sherlock SDB.

Also at Salesian College, Farnborough, Students and Staff will be running a 'Tough Mudder' an Obstacle Course challenge to raise money for the Oddballs foundation.
The Tough Mudder course is usually a 15km run through forests and over farmland and navigating obstacles through thick mud and streams. The Oddballs foundation looks at raising awareness for Testicular Cancer.
Those taking part are running the London South course on Sunday 22nd September. If you would like to donate to the cause, click here

Tags: Homepage, Salesian Schools, Salesian Sisters, Salesians of Don Bosco