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Canonisation Date for Blesseds Carlo Acutis and Pier Giorgio Frassati

Canonisation Date for Blesseds Carlo Acutis and Pier Giorgio Frassati

Posted: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:15

Canonisation Date for Blesseds Carlo Acutis and Pier Giorgio Frassati

On Wednesday 20th November, Pope Francis announced the canonisation dates of Blessed Carlo Acutis and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati.
They will be Canonised during the Jubilee year in 2025. Below is information about the two new young saints to be Canonised.

Carlo Acutis

Carlo Acutis (1991–2006) was an Italian teenager recognised for his deep Catholic faith and remarkable devotion to the Eucharist. Born in London, he grew up in Milan, Italy, and from an early age showed a special interest in computers and technology, teaching himself programming and web design. Despite his young age, Carlo used his technical skills to create a website cataloguing Eucharistic miracles worldwide, aiming to inspire others to strengthen their faith.

Known for his kindness, humility, and commitment to helping others, Carlo led a simple yet profound spiritual life, attending daily Mass, praying the Rosary, and practising acts of charity. When diagnosed with leukaemia at 15, he offered his suffering for the Church and Pope. Carlo passed away in 2006 and was beatified in 2020, celebrated as a role model for youth and in April 2025, during the Jubilee of Teenagers, will become the first "Millennial Saint".

Pier Giorgio Frassati

Pier Giorgio Frassati, son of a prominent Italian family, grew up amidst family tensions but found direction through the guidance of a Salesian priest. As a teenager, he became deeply aware of social issues like poverty and industrialisation, inspiring his charitable work with the St. Vincent de Paul Society. His education with the Jesuits shaped his character, strengthening his faith and dedication to helping others. Despite university challenges in industrial engineering, he balanced studies, charity, and friendships, even founding "The Shady Customers," a group committed to spiritual growth and aiding the marginalised.

In 1925, at just 24, he died of pneumonia, leaving behind a legacy of trust in God and service to others. Beatified in 1990, his life motto, "Towards the heights," symbolizes his spiritual and humanitarian ascent. Pier Giorgio will be canonised during the Jubilee of Youth week in late July, early August.

Tags: Homepage, Salesian Youth Ministry, Salesians of Don Bosco