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May is traditionally dedicated to honouring and seeking the intercession of Mary as the Mother of God and Mother of the Church. For Mary's month, click on 'Mary' in genres to see our selection of books, medallions and prayers.

Salesian Youth Ministry

Salesian Youth Ministry


Our youth work volunteers are called 'animators', which we hope gives you a picture of the Salesian youth ministry approach: bringing life and spirit to our interactions with the young.

We offer programmes of training and formation for young people who want to become animators, and opportunities for trained animators to volunteer in the UK and other countries.

Salesian Youth Ministry animator t-shirt
Young people at Salesian summer camp

Walking with the young

Our youth ministry team is Salesian-led, with Salesians and lay co-workers as members, and we play a full part in the international scene across Europe as part of Don Bosco Youth-Net, and in the worldwide Salesian Youth Movement.

We support schools, parishes and chaplains in their work with the young, organise pilgrimages and provide summer activities for young people who are in need of a break for various reasons. Young adult volunteers can spend a gap year at Savio House, working with young people and gaining valuable skills and experience. Our latest project reaches out to young refugees and asylum seekers.

Find out more about our activities.

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