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Although for many of us February is a cold and harsh month, there are still ways to find enjoyment, continue to grow as a person, and live intentionally. We have a wide selection of books, rosaries, medals and prayers cards for inspiration, reflection, spirituality and learning.

Animators' Page

Animators' Page

Don Bosco Youth-Net

Salesian Youth Ministry GBR is a member of this network of partner organisations 'building citizens' by working with young people across Europe and sharing a common Salesian identity. DBYN has 18 member organisations, who together have over 1000 employees and 9000 volunteers, and between us, we serve who over 120,000 children and young people in 16 European countries.

DBYN aims to develop all young people by bringing them together through various international activities, including training, advocacy and resources, designed to broaden opportunities especially for those who are for various reasons excluded or marginalised. Through cooperation between all of the partners in DBYN, we aim to be a living example of tolerance and mutual understanding, and inspried by the spirit of Don Bosco, to offer a 'youthful voice' in the Europe of today. Through our work together, we want to make a real difference in the lives of all young people, especially for those most in need.

Find out more about DBYN on their website

Summer exchange of animators
Each year, DBYN offers opportunities for animators to visit and work with partner organisations across Europe during the summer. The On the Summer Exchange website, you can see the opportunities in each country, and access great tools and resources for Salesian animators.

Find out about summer exchanges from the link below


Salesian Youth Ministry GBR had planned a 'Campobosco' visit to Turin and Mornese for a large group of young people from our schools, to take place in July 2020. The first training sessions for animators had taken place before we all went into lockdown, and many schools had booked for the event. This had to be postponed in 2020, but it will be back next year, and there will be more opportunities for animators to train and accompany young people next summer. Pictured: animators and SDBs in Valdocco during their Campobosco planning visit in 2019.

Salesian Youth Movement

We are part of the worldwide Salesian Youth Movement, a community of young people and youth groups, directed towards the needs of the young, their formation and growth. We are active in the Europe and Middle-East sector of the Movement. The young people who are part of the Movement live the meeting with the risen Christ in their daily lives, inspired by the lives of Don Bosco, St Mary Mazzarello and the Saints of the Salesian Family.

Young people and adults, both religious and lay people, share joint responsibility for animating the Movement. The Movement aims to give young people opportunities to deepen their spiritual lives, through formation events and activities, and the sharing of good practice to communicate the Salesian approach and spirit. There are opportunities to attend the 'Confronto' gatherings of young people arranged in Europe. Here are some of our group with the Rector Major at Confronto 2017.

Visit the SYM Europe website below for more information