In addition to the work our communities are involved in locally, we operate two projects where Sisters and young volunteers work alongside each other to support children and young people.

URSpace offers young men and women (17+) a unique opportunity to spend a gap year living in community with Salesian Sisters and working as part of a team to plan and deliver retreats and activities for young people in and around Glasgow.
The work of URSpace is imaginative and lively, helping young people in Catholic schools and parishes to explore their faith and achieve their full potential, through creative activities, discussions, games and prayer.
Volunteers are given training, ongoing formation and support during this special year, and and they are fully involved in community life and the operation of the project. URSpace volunteers develop valuable personal and work-based skills, as well as having the chance to reflect on their own faith and to grow spiritually.

VIDES UK is part of an International Voluntary Organisation founded in 1987 by the Salesian Sisters with and for young people.
We offer young people aged 17+ the opportunity to volunteer, making a difference in the lives of children and young people, here in the UK and all over the world. Our volunteers receive training and opportunities for personal development as well as an ongoing structured support programme before, during and after VIDES UK projects.
We respond to the need of local communities collaborating in the development of an ongoing service for the young that will be a positive influence for all.
VIDES UK plan, prepare and deliver a variety of activities, experiences and projects for children and young people aged 8-16 which encourages them to reach their full potential and to become protagonists in building a better world.
Visit the website to find out more and see how you can get involved,