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May is traditionally dedicated to honouring and seeking the intercession of Mary as the Mother of God and Mother of the Church. For Mary's month, click on 'Mary' in genres to see our selection of books, medallions and prayers.

Chaplaincy and pastoral resources as schools return to a new normal

Chaplaincy and pastoral resources as schools return to a new normal

Posted: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 19:02

Chaplaincy and pastoral resources as schools return to a new normal

As schools continue to prepare for the 'new normal' and more students return, Fr David O'Malley SDB, our schools delegate, has put together a collection of links to websites and online resources that may be helpful to chaplains, pastoral and leadership staff.

The independent schools alliance - virtual chaplaincy and lockdown

Kintsugi Hope Christian Counselling and Bereavement site

Littlehampton Virtual Chaplaincy

CAFOD - Creating a hopeful summer

Mental Health during COVID The Lily Jo Project

Young people living with loss - hope again including direct contact with CRUSE counselling for bereaved children and adults.

The Salesian schools blog page

Visit the Salesian Schools UK website - link below

Tags: Salesian Schools, Salesian Youth Ministry, Salesians of Don Bosco