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"Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime." – Martin Luther King Jr.

At this special time of year, we have books to inspire and delight you. Accompany your little ones 'On the Road to Emmaus' or through 'Via Lucis: The Way of the Light'. Or perhaps, reflect with Fr Michael on the Gospel resurrection narratives in 'Alive'.

Remembering Blessed Alberto Marvelli

Remembering Blessed Alberto Marvelli

Posted: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 07:16

Remembering Blessed Alberto Marvelli

'One can be in politics and be a saint, and this is a very great message that comes from the life of Alberto Marvelli.' These words, spoken by Archbishop Angelo Comastri of Loreto, are an important reminder to all of us, in times when popular respect and trust for politicians is generally low.

On 5th October, we celebrate this inspiring young man, whose life also reminds us that we are called to be involved in the running of our communities, using our voices and skills for the common good - to create fairness and justice in our society.

Alberto Marvelli was born on 21st March 1918, and attended the Salesian Oratory at Rimini. He was a valued catechist and leader, whose strong faith and belief in caring for the poorest and weakest led to his involvement in politics.

During the second world war, he was at first conscripted into the army, but later exempted as his brothers were also serving. He studied for a degree in engineering, graduating in 1942, risked his own life helping the wounded, dying and homeless during air raids, and was part of a group that freed people being sent to the concentration camps, by breaking open sealed train carriages.

After the war, Alberto was closely involved in the reconstruction of his home town. He became a town councillor, opened and volunteered in a soup kitchen for the poor, and started a cooperative for construction workers. St John Paul II called him 'the engineer of charity'.

He was an electoral candidate for the Christian Democrats when, on 5 October 1946, he was killed by an army truck while cycling to the polling station. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II.

Bl Alberto's story is included in the Pocketbook On the Road to Sainthood, from Don Bosco Publications. Follow the link below to our bookshop.

Tags: Homepage, Salesian Saints, Salesians of Don Bosco