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Sunday Reflection - Pentecost (Year A)

Sunday Reflection - Pentecost (Year A)

Posted: Fri, 26 May 2023 07:36

Sunday Reflection - Pentecost (Year A)

I was reading my diary for Pentecost Sunday 2020; it was clear that we thought that things were going to be back to normal by summer 2020. The pandemic, it seemed, was under some sort of control. I wrote back then:

One of the amazing POSITIVE effects of being in lockdown due to Covid-19 is the sense of UNITY that it has engendered. As a global family we are, literally, all in this together.

Three years on we are still battling the effects of this virus in so many ways: teachers are trying to help young people who were forced into solitary lives because of lockdown. Socialisation skills essential to the development of children, were severely lacking. I wonder, however, if I was not being a tad optimistic when I said that we were 'all in this together'! The reality was that some people and some nations were able to avail of vaccines far easier than others—it could have been down to political connections or just wealth. The division between rich and poor has been exacerbated by this virus. Many were unable to take needed sick time away from work because of job insecurity. The more well off could pay 'Uber eats' or 'Deliveroo' to bring the evening meal to their homes—they did not have to face the potential dangers that could lurk in a simple trip to their local takeaway. Families came to realise that, with parents trying to work from home and children trying to access lessons, one PC was simply not enough. We realised that internet coverage was not good enough to cope with the demands that many families needed during the height of lockdown. Vulnerable children could slip through the cracks despite the best efforts of hard-working teachers and social services. Fractured families found that this enforced time together only deepened the divide, leading to breakup and heartache. Children and families, especially in the developing world found it impossible to access education, making the rich/poor divide even more acute. Physical distancing might be an achievable for a family living comfortably in a Western city suburb, but impossible for those living in overcrowded poverty—poverty found even in a great city like London. The regular news reports of the poor and homeless still queuing for assistance at Food Banks shows me that we are NOT in this together. Only last week, we witnessed a completely out of touch politician who told us, in all seriousness, that we would simply have to do without cheese sandwiches if we cannot afford them. Sadly, we see a touch of Marie Antoinette in such an uncaring response. Some have endured the battle against COVID-19 and the current economic crisis in a safer and stronger way than others. We need to promote equality and understanding of all- even if they happen to be a refugee in a boat, washed up on our southern shores.

Today we are celebrating a feast that was celebrated by many of the Jews who lived at the time of Jesus. Many of his early followers continued to celebrate it after the resurrection, and so it became part of the annual celebrations of all Christians. However, over the first few decades of the church, this feast took on a new meaning: Jesus has risen and ascended to the Father, but he promised us his Spirit. Today we rejoice that the Spirit is moving in each of our hearts making us a people, inspiring us to understand the mystery of our faith, and strengthening us to follow Jesus the Anointed One.

The Spirit is the one who gathers us — all the different 'nations' are brought into contact with one another. Then the Spirit unites them into one church gathered around Jesus — so the followers of Jesus everywhere are linked through the apostles. The Spirit then inspires them and sends them forth to be the witnesses to Jesus to the ends of the earth. The effect of the Holy Spirit at the first Pentecost was to create unity – the incident of people understanding different languages should not be taken literally, but that some deep divisions among people can be overcome by the Spirit of God. More than ever in our world today when we look at the wars in Ukraine and Sudan, when we see a political impasse in Northern Ireland and the Holy Land, and witness disunity in USA, we must pray for the gift of a unifying Spirt. Of course, we can disagree with each other, but does it have to descend into petty name calling and wicked displays of anger that so many politicians use in their quest to be right? In the second reading, St Paul reminds us of our basic unity: we are the Body of Christ—each of us having our responsibilities, are about a deep unity among us. The Spirit brings unity at a deep level in families, friendships, all kinds of relationships and communities—we need to act more like the mature Body of Christ. May the world see, in our parishes and religious communities this weekend, a strong statement of care, respect and mutual understanding that proclaims our true faith, hope and love for all to see.

Back in 1984, a BBC news reporter, Michael Burke stumbled on a famine in Ethiopia. His report was relayed throughout the world and moved the hearts of many to do something about global hunger and stop these unnecessary deaths. Just as we rallied behind the late Captain Tom during Covid lockdowns, so the world gathered around two pop stars. Midge Ure and Bob Geldof brought the world's finest, brightest, and most popular singers and pop groups together in a common cause. They were not content with the status quo: in a world that had enough food, the presence of a famine was obscene. 'Band Aid' morphed into 'Live Aid' that become the 'Race for Life.' Two pop stars lit a fire that became a 'global jukebox' that, in its turn, changed the conscience of the world. I have wonderful memories of 13th July 1985; I spent the morning hiking with family in the Lake District, while the evening saw us gathered around the TV in Glenridding watching the 'Live Aid' concerts from Wembley and Philadelphia. It was a time of global unity, facing and challenging the virus of indifference and apathy. That day spent with loved ones remains one of my happiest memories: we were part of that global unity and our meagre contributions made to the telephone hotline could make a difference.

Perhaps Pentecost 2023 should be a clarion call for us to re-live that 1985 'Band Aid' spirit. Pope Francis has led the way: he has inspired leaders and influencers to make changes that will last. Pentecost 2023 makes demands on us to change our mindset, if we need to, and share that overwhelming and unconditional love of God, as we celebrate this great day together we recognise that we are invited to live in the TRUTH of God - 'he will lead you to the complete truth.' Pope Francis assured us that we find this love and truth in those small things of life—for me it is remembering a friend's smile or the wisdom of a family member who assured me that life is not just good, but 'seriously good':

We need to rediscover the concreteness of small things, the small acts of kindness shown to those who are close to us, family, friends. We need to realise that our treasure lies in small things. There are tiny gestures that sometimes get lost in the routine of everyday life, gestures of tenderness, affection, compassion, that are nevertheless decisive, important. (Interview with 'La Republican' newspaper 18/03/2020

With the gift of the Holy Spirit, the disciples, including Mary and the apostles can now move out of their lockdown, as they are ennobled by the Spirit. At last, they can bring the compassionate Gospel message to the world; they are fearless and want to share their life of God. Like them we pray for an end of our own personal lockdowns of selfishness. We pray that we can see ourselves as essential parts of a living and dynamic Church community. We are saving lives in our own special way and bringing our own unique perspective to the world. John O'Donohue, the Irish mystic reminds us how blessed we are in the family of the Church. In these times, it is essential that we count the blessings that we can still enjoy:

Blessed be the longing that brought you here and that quickens your soul with wonder.

May you have the courage to befriend your eternal longing.

May you enjoy the critical and creative companionship of the question "Who am I?" and may it brighten your longing.

May a secret Providence guide your thought and shelter your feeling.

May your mind inhabit your life with the same sureness with which your body belongs to the world.

May the sense of something absent enlarge your life.

May your soul be as free as the ever-new waves of the sea.

May you succumb to the danger of growth.

May you live in the neighbourhood of wonder.

May you belong to love with the wildness of Dance.

May you know that you are ever embraced in the kind circle of God.

Author: Fr Gerry O'Shaughnessy SDB

Photo by Erika Giraud on Unsplash

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